【聊了什么The What】
Sean Baker导演的《Anora》讲述了一个布鲁克林性工作者阿诺拉将信将疑地踏上现代版灰姑娘的南瓜马车,却没想到渡过了人生最疲惫的24小时加班的故事。2024年的我们和Anora一样,都心知肚明在当代的美国,老套“救风尘”的故事已经是一个骗局。在我们看来,这是一个细腻而富有共鸣的故事。Baker和演员一起塑造了一个狡黠的、天真的、完全能为自己做主的年轻女孩,故事中的细节:无论是南布鲁克林的景观、Anora东欧移民的背景、还是电影中年轻人真诚的愚蠢,让这个故事能够打动哪怕是我们中最愤世嫉俗的人。结局的那一刻,Anora和我们都明白,那辆充满寓言意味的南瓜马车并非跨越阶级的虫洞,一切落幕之后,Anora获得了可能比钻石戒指更珍贵的东西 — 看清了自己是谁以及她能做到什么。终章之处,南瓜马车驶过,留下的不是阶级虫洞的幻影,是比钻戒更为珍贵的馈赠——Anora在这场冒险中看到了真实的自己,大起大落之后她并没有失去为自己挣出未来的无限可能。
Sean Baker's latest film "Anora" follows a Brooklyn sex worker who steps into a modern-day Cinderella story, only to find herself enduring the most exhausting few days of her life. In 2024, both we and Anora know full well that the classic "Pretty Woman" narrative is a sexist and tiresome trope. But Baker manages to tell a nuanced, relatable story through Anora. The specificity of it — Southern Brooklyn's landscapes, her immigrant background, and the genuine innocence and naivety of youth — allows this story to warm the heart of even the most cynical among us. In the end, the proverbial pumpkin carriage isn't an invitation to cross class lines, but a journey of self-realization.
This episode is sponsored by the female sexual wellness brand OSUGA. Tune in to hear our thoughts on their newest sex toy "Osurging."
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【时间轴 The When】
00:08:41 导演Sean Baker的独特视角:边缘人群的故事
00:13:41 安妮 vs. 阿诺拉: 脱衣舞娘与东欧移民的两个面向
00:32:27 性工作在不同文化语境下的讨论差异
00:42:21 天真与成长:安妮对辛德瑞拉式爱情的幻想与觉醒
00:48:54 Vanya的童真与残忍:一个未长大的富二代形象
00:56:52 Igor的复杂性:暴力与温情并存的打手
01:07:37 结尾镜头的突破和深意
00:08:41 Sean Baker's Unique Perspective: Stories from Society's Margins
00:13:41 Ani vs. Anora: Dual Perspectives of a Stripper and Eastern European Immigrant
00:32:27 Sex Work: Cultural Context Differences
00:42:21 Innocence and Growth: Ani's Cinderella Fantasy and Awakening
00:48:54 Vanya's Childlike Cruelty: Portrait of an Immature Trust Fund Kid
00:56:52 Igor's Complexity: The Enforcer's Balance of Violence and Tenderness
01:07:37 The Final Shot's Deeper Meaning
【拓展链接 The Links】
[红莺歌 Red Canary Song] (https://www.redcanarysong.net/)
【疲惫红书 CyberRed】
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