049 |「挑战者」:三人成双 Challengers: It takes three to play


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【聊了什么 The What】

今天这期节目聊了《Challengers 挑战者》,今夏美国最火的电影之一,由已经晋升好莱坞当之无愧一线女星赞达亚、和两位男演员乔希·奥康纳和麦克·费斯主演。电影使用了非线性的叙事方法,从2019年的一场挑战赛的决赛比赛开场,慢慢道出三个人之间情感三角历史,在十多年的纠葛当中,他们之间的关系变得更加复杂,同时网球比赛在他们三个人的生命当中,也成为了爱情三角的具象化。

In today's episode, we unpack this summer's hottest blockbuster "Challengers," starring A-list superstar Zendaya, Josh O'Connor, and Mike Faist. We follow these three gorgeous on-screen characters as the movie volleys back and forth in time to show us over a decade of entanglement, and we dissect how their relationship as friends, lovers, and foes, evolves over time. This episode includes a sponsored ad for Tylenol.

【时间轴 The When】

  • 0:00 泰诺广告时间

  • 3:57 我们对Challengers这部电影的第一感觉

  • 10:00 这部电影的美学,摄影,和独特的视角(最后观众变成了球)

  • 13:20 这场平平无奇的网球比赛其实是三个主人公借假修真的灵魂之旅,人与人的直接竞争

  • 21:18 网球其实是一个不太隐晦的性隐喻 + 专业运动员对本片的评价

  • 30:20 导演对于三人情愫的刻画

  • 32:55 分析Tashi的成长弧线和三个人之间的三角关系

  • 50:20 Tashi是奖赏?是裁判?是三人命运的操控者?

  • 1:04:00 继续分析三角关系,他们每个人都是赢家?

  • 1:17:05 这个电影的植入勾起了强烈的购物欲, 本电影的时尚设计

  • 0:00 sponsored ad for Tylenol

  • 3:57 Our first impressions of "Challengers"

  • 10:00 The film's aesthetics, cinematography, and unique perspective

  • 13:20 This seemingly ordinary tennis match is a journey of self-discovery for the three protagonists in disguise, showcasing the reality of competitive sports

  • 21:18 Tennis as a not-so-subtle sexual metaphor and professional athletes' review of the film

  • 30:20 The director's portrayal of the emotional dynamics between the three characters

  • 32:55 Analysis of Tashi's character arc and the complex love triangle between the three

  • 50:20 Is Tashi deemed a prize by the two men? Is she a referee, or the puppet master of the trio's fate?

  • 1:04:00 Deeper analysis of the love triangle: are they all winners in their own way?

  • 1:17:05 The film's product placement and what it says about sports and branding, in association with the film's costume design

【疲惫红书 CyberRed】


Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu!

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