【聊了什么The What】
In the realm of popular culture, the female body appears to be infinitely malleable: social media promises that with discipline and luck, any desired physique is within reach. But in reality, our relationship with food often twists into a painful knot. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors evolved an insatiable craving for sugar and fat; in mere decades, the modern food industry has made these indulgences effortlessly accessible, incessantly tempting our willpower at every turn. Recently, a new drug called Ozempic — the key to the Kardashian-esque metamorphosis from silicon-injected peaches to sinny Barbies — has ignited a fervent debate in America. Does obesity signify a weakness of will? In a world where the body remains commodified, how should we perceive the seductive allure of Ozempic's promise of effortless slimming? Is fat bias systemic and how do we fight against it?
【时间轴 The When】
02:46 Ozempic是什么,为什么他引发了如此多讨论?
16:05 肥胖与医疗系统、社会阶层的复杂关系
45:17 我们为什么不喜欢《鲸》?
02:46 What is Ozempic and why has it sparked so much debate?
16:05 The complex relationship between obesity, the healthcare system, and social class
45:17 Why don't we like "Whale"?
【拓展链接 The Links】
- Will the Ozempic Era Change How We Think About Being Fat and Being Thin?
- Life After Food
- An Extreme Risk of Taking Ozempic: Malnutrition
- Does energy imbalance (calories in > out) cause obesity?
- Diet culture can hurt kids. This author advises parents to reclaim the word 'fat'
【疲惫红书 CyberRed】
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