【聊了什么The What】
我们趁着录制这次节目的契机,从大脑里提取出了我们关于性的记忆,哪些小时候看到的画面和角色给了我们性启蒙?同时,我们也聊了最近HBO颇有争议的一部剧集「偶像漩涡」(英语:The Idol),以及里面糟糕的对女性和性的刻画。我们也找出了一些近些年银幕上受人欢迎并且对女性的性欲有正面和积极的解读,鼓励我们去直视自己的欲望。
娇娃画外音:本集播客提到的所有性行为和对于性的解读都是出自于我们的个人经历,我们是以异性恋和顺直女身份的视角去观察和谈论性,所以会有异性恋中心主义的局限性。 录制期间我们将西门庆说成了“妹夫”,西门庆不是妹夫也不想做妹夫,望周知。
In this episode, we talk about a very under-explored topic in pop culture -- sex (lol) We reminisce about the pop culture characters from childhood that sparked our sexual awakening. We critique the controversial HBO series "The Idol" for its terrible portrayals of desirability and sex. We also discuss recent shows praised for their positive depictions of female sexuality, encouraging women to embrace their own wants and needs.
A note from CyberPink - our perspectives come from personal experiences as cis heterosexual women, which come with inherent limitations.
This episode is sponsored by the female sexual wellness brand OSUGA. Tune in to hear our thoughts on their sex toy "Rabbit Moon"!
【听众福利 The Deal】

另外!考虑到我们有部分海外听众,也可通过点击➡️ OSUGA 下单输入优惠码【疲惫娇娃40】可立减40刀,但到手价格&优惠政策与国内不同享,有需要的朋友们可以自由选择啦~
【时间轴 The When】
01:50 几个见过世面的娇娃们对进阶新产品“兔子月”大呼牛逼,并且激情介绍产品详情和真实使用体验(此次聊了整整十分钟)
10: 08 疲惫娇娃们的银幕性启蒙,大陆影视剧中拧巴的女性性主体和港台片中媚骨天成的女性角色们
14:10 迪士尼版本「巴黎圣母院」中的性压抑:性力量能转化成黑暗和毁灭
17:25 「情深深 雨濛濛」中的两代女性悲剧,以及银幕上平凡的性
21:27 「赎罪」中禁忌和跨越阶级的性
25:40 女性仍然卡在”不知道如何表达性需求“这一步
28:20 HBO的「The Idol 偶像漩涡」中对女性身体和性的糟糕刻画
42:20 Netflix的「Never Have I Ever 好想做一次」中积极的性理念
49:17 骄傲月中的灵感
01:50 We rave about the advanced new product "Rabbit Moon" and enthusiastically (maybe too much) introduce product details and real user experiences (we talked for a full 10 minutes!)
10:08 Cyberpink’s sexual awakenings from movies and TV shows - twisted female sexual subjects in mainland Chinese media vs alluring female characters in Hong Kong & Taiwanese media
14:10 Sexual repression in the Disney version of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame": sexual power can transform into darkness and destruction
17:25 Two generations of women's tragedies in "Romance in the Rain", and mundane sex on screen
21:27 Forbidden and cross-class sex in "Atonement"
25:40 Women still don’t know how to express sexual needs
28:20 HBO's "The Idol" and its terrible portrayals of the female body and sexuality
42:20 The positive sexual ethos in Netflix's "Never Have I Ever"
49:17 Asian sex icons and inspirations during Pride Month
【拓展链接 The Links】
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