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【聊了什么The What】
「白莲花度假村」 White Lotus 2是今年呼声最大的剧集之一,引发了无数中英文关于人性幽微、性与权力、表演性女权主义者等等问题的思考和讨论。这次我们和神交很久的好朋友Hayami聊了这部剧集。
White Lotus 2 is one of the most popular dramas of the year, sparking countless think pieces and discussions in both English and Chinese about class, about the nuanced power dynamics in relationships, sex and desire. In this episode, we invited our friend Hayami to talk about how the series was received in China and the U.S.
【时间轴 The When】
0 - 8:50 大人糖产品广告时间
15:00 Ethan和Harper之间的权力/性关系
20:40 Ethan和Cameron之间的同性竞争,隐隐的较量,和勾心斗角
27:00 深挖Harper这个女性人物
29:35 深挖小助理角色
36:40 Tonya的悲剧
48:00 又迷人又天真且从未作恶的“妓女”?
57:00 意大利爷爷父子三代人是在逐代变好吗?
59:40 男性们的“女性主义”表演时刻
0 - 8:50 Commercial
10:30 Group scenes and character profiles in "White Lotus 2"
15:00 The power dynamics within Ethan and Harper's relationship
20:40 The toxic "male camaraderie," jealousy and hidden rivalry between Ethan and Cameron
27:00 Digging deeper into Harper‘s character
29:35 Why do we dislike Portia so much?
36:40 Tanya's Tragedy
48:00 The charming, innocent, and not-real female characters: Mia and Lucia
57:00 Are the three generations of men getting better at respecting women?
59:40 Virtual signalling and performing being a "feminist"
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