031|「奥本海默」上集:千秋功罪,谁人曾与评说?Oppenheimer Part I

【聊了什么The What】


横空出世,莽昆仑,阅尽人间春色。 飞起玉龙三百万,搅得周天寒彻。 夏日消溶,江河横溢,人或为鱼鳖。 千秋功罪,谁人曾与评说?



How do you even begin to tell the story of the Atomic bomb, when humanity split the atom out of wartime desperation, and finally created the ability to destroy ourselves? For eight decades, we've lived in its looming shadow, a tool of annihilation that has redefined global geopolitics and provoked existential inquiries that span generations. It takes a filmmaker like Christopher Nolan to project it onto the grand canvas of a 70mm IMAX screen. Enter 'Oppenheimer,' this summer's epic blockbuster.

To discuss the film, two former physicists - Zhao Zhichen, a former theoretical physicist, and Cheng Yangyang, an experimental particle physicist - engaged in a two-hour conversation to unpack the summer epic blockbuster Oppenheimer. In the first part, we reflect on the narrative choices and visual language of the film, uncovering many overlooked figures in nuclear history - indigenous peoples, women, colonized nations and citizens, victims of the bomb. We also explore how their backgrounds in nuclear physics inform their unique perspectives on this memorable cinematic experience.

【时间轴 The When】

  • 02: 37 安利节目:属于我们社群的一档关于美国政治新闻的播客『美轮美换』上线啦!

  • 03: 30 「奥本海默」第一观影印象

  • 15: 00 电影采用了哪种叙事、忽视了哪些人物?

  • 24: 05 电影中被抹去的人 —- 受害者,女性,原住民

  • 25: 50 原子弹的解脱视角是什么?为什么标志性的“蘑菇云”这个视角有问题?

  • 39: 30 如果物理学有一种旋律,这个旋律在物理学家二种听起来是什么样的?

  • 46: 25 物理学家所研究的东西,无论是庞大微小还是抽象,在多大程度上影响了ta们看待世界的方式?

  • 02:37 - Show highlight: Our friends' US politics podcast "美轮美换" is live!

  • 03:30 - First impressions of "Oppenheimer"

  • 15:00 - What narrative techniques does the film use, and whose stories does it overlook? Nolan's "overreach" and contradictions

  • 24:05 - Who is erased from the film – the victims of atomic bomb, the women, and the indigenous people

  • 25:50 - What is the redemptive perspective on the atomic bomb? Why is the iconic "mushroom cloud" visual problematic?

  • 39:30 - If physics has a tune, what does that music sound like to physicists?

  • 46:25 - To what extent does the scale and abstraction of their research shape physicists' worldviews?

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