032|「奥本海默」下集:环球同此凉热 Oppenheimer Part II

【聊了什么The What】



In preparing this episode, my mind kept going back to a print by the Spanish artist Francisco Goya – The Dream of Reason Produces Monsters. Its themes resonate eerily with the moral complexities of Oppenheimer – a man haunted by the monster he dreamed into reality. When ChatGPT went live earlier this year, many people started asking – does humanity face another Oppenheimer moment? Did we unleash another monster? – and many others started to find that question itself distracting, or even dangerous.

As we delve into the second installment of our conversation on Oppenheimer, this episode also shines a spotlight on Qian Xuesen's life, drawing parallels with Oppenheimer's own story. We probe the ethical issues arising from the dichotomy between scientific openness and national allegiance, and unpack the burgeoning anxiety around an so-called AI apocalypse.

【时间轴 The When】

  • 00:00 钱学森和奥本海默人生的平行与交错
  • 10:34 科学家身份与国族身份之间的张力
  • 26:07 我们该如何讲述原子弹的故事
  • 35:09 “人工智能”是下一个原子弹吗?
  • 00:00 The Parallels and Intersections in the Lives of Qian Xuesen and Oppenheimer
  • 10:34 The Tension Between Scientific Identity and National Identity
  • 26:07 How Should We Narrate the Story of the Atomic Bomb?
  • 35:09 Are we facing another Oppenheimer moment?

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